
You can set up Custom Notifications for your Website to get the attention of your Visitors. A Sample Code to trigger a Notification:

Code Example

<a href="#" class="btn btn-info" data-notify-type="info" data-notify-msg="<i class=icon-info-sign></i> Welcome to Canvas Demo!" onclick="SEMICOLON.widget.notifications(this); return false;">Show Info</a>


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Custom Notification

You can also Trigger a Custom Notification on a User Defined Action such as Form Submission or Window Load. Here is a Sample Code to achieve this:

Note: Remember, SEMICOLON.Modules.notifications(); Function accepts JS Selector to get executed properly. So you can turn any HTML Element with a Unique ID to a Notification Element using the Settings mentioned above and call the Notification Function on its HTML ID Selector.

<div id="custom-notification-message" data-notify-position="top-right" data-notify-type="info" data-notify-msg='<i class="icon-info-sign"></i> Welcome to Canvas Demo!'></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
	window.addEventListener( 'load', function(){

Last Modified: December 13, 2020